Raegan Albert, the Ward Ward Ward Arcaus, despatched, goals to get his objective by profitable a belt buckle for the primary place on the Tire match in Ward County.
The Four-H TIR sports activities in Ward County hosted the TIR match in Ward County on February Eight on the Northern Dakota State Truthful lands, receiving 248 members from 23 counties, together with 40 younger folks from Ward County .
The inside match introduced classes divided by age and arc kind: freshmen (Eight-10 years), juniors (11-13), seniors (14-18) and a masters division for no less than 14 years who certified for a nationwide competitors. Arc divisions embrace Barebow, which doesn’t use targets or variations and freestyle, which permits vacationer targets and variations.
The outcomes of the members within the Ward County of the match are the next:
Senior Freestyle Division: fifth place – Breanna Mindt, Minot, (rating: 283); The sixth place – Teagan Strilcov, Minot (rating: 282); Eight place – Paislee Everson, Minot (rating: 281); Additionally, representing Ward County have been Brooklyn Bloms, Carpio; Religion Carpenter, Granville; Madison Privratsky, Gage Schenfisch and Cole Whitcher, all in Minot; Stetson Brandvold, Ryder and Tyson Barden, Surrey; The results of the workforce – Brandvold, Everson, Mindt and Strilcov ranked second with a mixed rating of 846.
Senior Barebow: first place – Raegan Albert, Garrison; Third place – Brynlee Bloms, Carpio (rating: 274); The ninth place – Elizabeth Michel, Berthold (rating: 263, tied with two others); Additionally, representing Ward County have been ABRIELLE MICHEL, BERTHOLD; Rebecca Tetrault, Bowbells; and Mindt and Clara Potts, Minot; The results of the workforce – Albert, Bloms, Michel and Potts have been ranked second with a mixed rating of 815.

Clara Potts and Hope Anderson, introduced, Clara Potts and Hope Anderson, confirmed targets throughout the Four-H Ward arc match.
Freestyle Junior Division: fourth place – Everson Quade, Minot (rating: 146); The ninth place – Grade Mostad, Minot (rating: 143); Additionally, the illustration of Ward County have been Heston Seifert, Burlington; Tatum Ehli, Tyson Perdue, Rachel Privratsky, Cason Schenfisch, Hunter Schultz and Hadley Yoder, all from Minot; Blake Gritz and Tabitha Hauge of Surrey; The results of the workforce – Everson, Gritz, Mostad and Seifert ranked third with a mixed rating of 424.
Junior Barebow Division: fifth place – Taryn Albert, garrison (rating: 266); Additionally, the illustration of Ward County was Emmy Novak, Minot; The results of the workforce – Albert and Novak ranked sixth with a mixed rating of 476.
Freestyle division for freshmen: first place – Owen Peterson, Minot (rating: 133); Fourth place – Kelbie Yoder, Minot (rating: 128); Additionally, representing Ward County have been additionally Cunning Leavitt and Jennings Leavitt, Burlington; Lillian Privatsky and Daisy Zietz, Minot; The results of the workforce: Leavitt, Peterson, Yoder and Zietz ranked first with a mixed rating of 361.
Barebow’s newbie division: Ward County Illustration was Livvy Michel, Berthold; Finnley Neshem and Hyla Zietz, Burlington; Rhett Bloms and Parker Murphy, Carpio; Hope Anderson and Eva Novak, Minot; The results of the workforce – Anderson, Bloms, Michel and Neshem ranked fourth with a mixed rating of 528.
The photograph despatched Rhonda Dockter and Scott Hodenfield with Agcountry presents a $ 10,000 symbolic test for the Ok-9 Handler, Ryan Ostrum deputy Larry Hubbard and Sheriff Robert Robert with the Sheriff Division of Ward County.
Clara Potts and Hope Anderson, introduced, Clara Potts and Hope Anderson, confirmed targets throughout the Four-H Ward arc match.
Owen Peterson and Madison Privratsky introduced a Four-H ark, Owen Peterson and Madison Privatsky to compete in Freestyle on the Four-H Ward County arc match.
Raegan Albert, the Ward Ward Ward Arcaus, despatched, goals to get his objective by profitable a belt buckle for the primary place on the Tire match in Ward County.

Owen Peterson and Madison Privratsky introduced a Four-H ark, Owen Peterson and Madison Privatsky to compete in Freestyle on the Four-H Ward County arc match.